Thursday 8 March 2012

Legal and Ethical Issues

I will have to make sure that my thriller opening meets the requirements of the BBFC. This would mean that it didn't show anything that would harm the audience. And even if it did, the BBFC would be able to classify the film in the relevant genre. Sexual, violent, and drug related content can be used in films but the BBFC and other regulatory bodies across the world would have to classify the film in what they thought was fit for the audience. The BBFC have 6 different classifications these being, U, PG, 12/12A, 15, 18 and R18. The BBFC also has the right to ban films from cinema release or DVD release, this is rarely done but mainly done if the films have to have too many compulsory cuts, or if the film for example shows sex with a theme of rape. For example, 'The Human Centipede 2,' was rejected for being sexually explicit and having scenes that could harm the public in the UK until it made it through a series of cuts which resulted in around 6 seconds 

Link to the BBFC website:

There is a copyright issue where copying or downloading films is piracy. This is where the subject is used without permission from it's creators or distributors. People decide to copyright their material so it cannot be  mis-sold, or their ideas cannot be taken and used in other films. There is rarely an incident in film where ideas have been taken without permission. For example movies such as, 'Not Another Teen Movie,' 'Scary Movie,' and 'Epic Movie,' have all asked for permission to parody films and change them. The copyright logo is usually seen as a circle with a 'c' in it. 

Films must not represent any ethnicity in a poor way, they are not allowed to discriminate against each other, unless it is showing a factual history. Certain films such as 'Hairspray,' and 'Remember the Titans,' are focused on ethnicity and show how people work to resolve around them, bringing them to a happy conclusion. 

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