Wednesday 29 September 2010

A01 Definition of a Thriller and Popular Thrillers of the last 20 years

My definition of a thriller, is a film that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Something that plays with your mind and confuses you. It has to have suspense and be dramatic. If a thriller isn't dramatic something is right.

1990s -
2000s -
I am planning on taking inspiration from different thiller openings to create mine, even though I would rather have my opening to be unique to me. 

For example in this frame from the opening sequence of Se7en, I want to use the text that is used. I like the idea of using a scratched, rough font for the title of my thriller. I think that this adds effect to the opening, and sets the film up for some creepy moments.

This still taken from The Dark Knight Rises, shows a snip of a newspaper, which gives the film an enigma as we want to know what has happened and why its interesting enough to get into the newspapers. I also like that this particular shot has shown the Batman logo, and also Gotham, which is the city that the film is located in.

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