Thursday 9 December 2010

A02 Minutes for Thriller Opening Sequence


  • Decided that we want trains to be involved somewhere as we feel they make a great plot line.
  • Seat swinging in the wind, it builds up tensions.
  • Tense background music building up and becoming louder and louder.
  • Shadowey figures, silhouettes, setting up an enigma.
  • Night time shoot is a preferable option, looks much more spooky.


  • Today we went and took the images of our recce an uploaded them to Blogger.

Our filming, editing and theory work all came to a stand still, as groups were moving around and people were not in. Therefore filming did not start again until April.


  • Today we filmed our thriller opening and uploaded it to the Macs. We then started to edit our film.
After a few weeks we decided that we didn't like our thriller and decided to film a new one in our Study Leave.


  • Today we spent the whole day filming our thriller and we started to edit it. After producing a rough edit, we imported the video into Garageband so we could work on our soundtrack. 

  • Today we continued to create our soundtrack as we know that this is a time consuming process. We want to make sure that all the sounds are realistic and don't sound like they have just been shoved into the thriller.
  • We also finished editing the video and have uploaded it to Youtube. 
  • It was then uploaded to Blogger.

  • Today we completed our Risk Assessment and scanned it onto Blogger.

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