Saturday 2 October 2010

A01 Jobs In TV And Film

Camera Operator (Film + TV) :

A camera operator works with all sorts of cameras, including digtial, electronic and film. They procude pictures for directors, by combining the use of complex technology with creative visual skills.

Focus Puller (Film +TV) :

A focus puller is a member of a crew's camera department whose primary responsibility is to maintain image sharpness on the subject being filmed.

Lighting Director (Film + TV) :

A lighting director plans all aspects of lighting a production.

Director of Photography (Mainly Film) :

The Director of Photography is the chief of the camera and lighting crew. They make decisions on lighting and framing of scenes in conjunction with the film's director.

Animator (Film + TV) :

An animator produces multiple images called frames. When sequenced together rapidly, these frames create an illusion of movement known as animation

Stunt Person (Film + TV) :

An animator produces multiple images called frames. When sequenced together rapidly, these frames create an illusion of movement known as animation.

Art Director (Film + TV) :

The person responsible for the look of a film's sets, he or she is also responsible for their construction.

Vision Mixer (Mainly TV) :

Vision mixers are technicians who work at a console in the gallery or studio control room. They are responsible for controlling the vision mixing desk: the pictures viewers see on their television are the result of the work of the vision mixer.

Sound Recordist (Film + TV) :

The job of a sound technician is to identify the sound requirements for a given task or situation and to perform the appropriate actions to produce this sound. Sound technician is an umbrella term which covers many more specialised occupations. Sound technicians of different types are required in a range of industries including: broadcasting (radio or television), live performance (theatre, music, dance), advertising, music production and film.

Researcher (Film + TV) :

Researchers contribute ideas for programmes, source contacts and contributors and collect, verify and prepare information for film, television and radio productions. A researcher can work on a wide variety of programmes or within one subject area.

Continuity Assistant (Film + TV) :

Assists on the production of a film.

Special Effects Make Up Artist (Film + TV) :

A make-up artist ensures that models, performers and presenters have suitable make-up and hairstyles before they appear in front of cameras or an audience. This may be in a variety of settings, including film, television, theatre, live music and photographic shoots. The special effects often results in showing cuts, bruises and wounds on shows like Casualty or on major film sets.

Composer (Mainly Film) :

A composer will create music to input in a film, helping to determine the emotion in the scene.

Location Manager (Film + TV) :

Location managers are responsible for making all the practical arrangements necessary when filming or photographic shoots take place outside the studio. Productions are made in a wide range of places and location managers need to research, identify and organise appropriate sites.

Foley Editor (Mainly Film) :

Reproduces everyday sounds for use in filmmaking. The best Foley art is so well integrated into a film that it goes unnoticed by the audience.

ADR Dialogue Editor (Film + TV) :

A Dialogue Editor collates, edits, and synchronizes recorded dialogue for a film or television show.

Screenwriter (Mainly Film) :

The screenwriter is the writer of the script of a film. They create the dialogue, the characters and the story line of a movie script. The screenwriter is often the most essential person in film production because no movie can start without some form of a script.

Construction Manager (Film + TV) :

They control, supervise and handle projects, budgets and hire construction staff. They create the backdrops needed for sets.

Casting Director (Film + TV) :

A Casting Director decides who is going to have each role in a film. They decide who the main roles are going to be.

Health and Safety Consultant (Film + TV) :

They ensure companies adhere to health and safety policies and law.

Stedicam Operator (Mainly Film) :

Steadicam Operators camera operators who learn most of their practical skills through hands on experience on the job. The technology changes rapidly, so they need to be prepared to keep learning. Basic stills photography, which develops their visual and composition skills, can be a useful starting point.

Grip (Film + TV) :

Grips are lighting and rigging technicians in the film and video industry. They work closely with the camera department and also with the electrical department to create the right lighting set up .

Art Director (Film + TV) :

Art directors are responsible for what advertisements look like. They are involved in creating a campaign that has an instant, positive impact on the consumer in order to promote the product or brand being advertised.

Gaffer (Film + TV) :

The head of the electrical department, responsible for the design and execution of the lighting plan for a production.

1 comment:

  1. A site such as is a great source when seeking crew members.
